Bonfire busts the top five social media myths

Bonfire never rests in adapting and evolving the social media strategies we provide our clients. Working hard to adapt to trends across all social channels also helps us see what myths and rumours surrounding social media marketing there are, and disprove them with comprehensive analytics.

So, to help you separate fact from fiction too, here is Bonfire’s guide to the top five social media myths.

1. If someone likes a Facebook page, they’ll see every post – As Facebook reduces the organic reach of business pages, only 2-4% will see your posts. There are ways around this but it does show you that a social media strategy is needed, rather than just blindly posting anything and everything.

2. The most you post, the better – As social media channels refine their product, they want to be sure that they’re full of high quality content. Think quality over quantity and post less frequently but with content that is closely aligned to your brand. You’ll find that this can help increase your engagement with your audience.

3. Social Media advertising is only for big companies with big budgets – The best thing about social media is that the marketing data they give you access too means you can refine your target audience in a way that has never been possible before. Even businesses with tiny budgets can run effective social media ad campaigns, with excellent return on investment, by defining their target audience and reaching those who are most likely to become customers.

4. Social Media results can’t be measured effectively – This is one of the myths that we hear time and again, but is the easiest to disprove. There are multiple ways that social media campaigns can be monitored and coupling these with Bonfire’s experience campaigns can be adapted at any point so they make the most positive impact

5. More followers mean more success – Having a large social following is not always a good thing when you looks at how well you engage with your fans and followers. If your engagement rate is low then you either have people who aren’t really that interested in your brand, or your content is not appropriate to the audience. You need to develop a strategy that gets people talking about your posts, and you need to join that conversation too so you develop a welcoming social community. At the end of the day, social is all about being social and just like in off-line life, it may be better to have fewer quality people engaged with you and your business, than a lot of people who either have no affinity with you or feel ignored.

Bonfire works hard to develop effective, integrated, social media campaigns so you don’t have to. This means we can bust the myths and test the trends when it counts. Effective social media and digital marketing is about visibility, engagement and conversion. It’s all about optimising critical moments in the customer journey. If you have customers, then social media can work for you as part of an integrated marketing campaign. Call us on 01525 841079 to find out how.

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